Dog Daycare

Why leave your canine companion home alone when they can enjoy an exciting day at dog daycare instead?

Your Dog’s Daytime Getaway

Spending all day at home alone isn’t much fun for your canine companion. In fact, it can be pretty dog-gone detrimental to their well-being. Dogs are social creatures, and they thrive on spending time with people and other animals.

Unfortunately, if you work long hours, your dog’s socialization needs may not be met. By enrolling them in dog daycare, though, you can ensure that their needs are met regardless of how busy you are. At Holiday Pet Hotel, we provide dog daycare in Encinitas to help pets stay healthy—physically, socially, and psychologically.

two beautiful furry dogs

About Our Encinitas Dog Daycare

First and foremost, we are staffed by pet care professionals who love animals just as much as you do. They provide individualized care and attention and will do everything possible to ensure that your canine companion enjoys their time at Holiday Pet Hotel.

Participating in daycare gives your dog a chance to interact with our staff as well as other dogs. Instead of lounging on your sofa all day, they’ll get to socialize, play, and burn off excess energy. They’ll learn good manners and develop strong social skills. All in all, most dogs who visit daycare regularly tend to be healthier and happier than those who don’t socialize enough.

Our custom-built facility is the perfect place for you and your dog to discover all of the many benefits dog daycare has to offer. We separate our guests into three large play areas and group pets by size, temperament, and play style. Our goal is to make sure everyone stays safe and has a great time.

Daycare Pricing And Packages

Dog Daycare in Encinitas

Let your canine companion have the best day ever every single day by enrolling them in dog daycare in Encinitas at Holiday Pet Hotel. Contact us today to learn more!

Call us (760) 462-1948

Woman holding french bulldog puppy on the beach.